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Hey, I'm Lucas

Available for hire

Full Stack Developer specialized in creating stylish and unique applications. Passionate about solving problems and building solutions that involve creativity and innovation.

LGC, ES · 43.362°N 8.411°W


  1. Full Stack Developer Current...

    Developed a full stack application for a local scuba diving business: Nauga Diving.

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  2. Front End Developer In Training

    Developer in training for a software company based in Vigo, Spain: Possible Inc.

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  3. Front End Developer

    Developed a front end web catalog for a industrial supplies company: Núñez Coruña.

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Nauga Diving - Dive as Life

A web page for a diving school in the city of Coruña. The page is built with Astro and TailwindCSS.

  • Lua
  • neovim-mark@2x Created with Sketch ( Neovim
Screenshot of Nauga Diving - Dive as Life

PancakeVim - A modular and extensible vim configuration

The is structured in a way that makes it easy to add new plugins and configurations. I'm using lazy as a plugin manager and tried to keep everything as modular as possible so adding and removing plugins would be as easy as I could make it.

  • Astro
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
Screenshot of PancakeVim - A modular and extensible vim configuration

About me

Hey, I'm Lucas, a software engineer based in Spain. I entered the world of computing when I was very young, making easy indie games in RPG Maker, nothing so special.

The ground breaking moment was when I started to study a professional vocational training in computing systems and networks. One of the subjects was frontend web development, and I fell in love with it. I started to learn more and more about it, and I decided to study a degree in Computer Engineering.

I'm currently at my last year of the degree, and I enjoy working as Full Stack Developer whenever I have the chance. I'm also a big fan of the open source community, and I try to contribute to it as much as I can. I currently have a few projects in my GitHub profile, as well as I'm writing a few articles in Medium and post some videos in YouTube.

